“Tired Mummy Brain” meets “Assignment Due Brain”

Tomorrow is the last day I have available to get my last assignment written.  Usually this wouldn’t be a problem, but I have tired mummy brain 😦

Elise, did the sweetest thing earlier, so sweet it brought tears to my eyes! She simply got a chair out for me, so I could sit at the table and get on with some study! I’d been grumpy with her most of the day as I’d been trying to juggle her being clingy and studying, yet she could still see past that, love me and give me what I wanted/needed.  It was humbling receiving her love when I haven’t been very lovable.  And the best part of the day was when she snuggled up to me for a bedtime cuddle, looked me straight in the eyes and beamed the biggest (and possibly cheekiest) smile and whispered to me:

“I Love You Mummy! You’re the cutest and bestest mummy in the world! Tonight I’m going to wait til you’re asleep and then I’m going to cuddle up to you so you can sleep tight”

Tonight, even though tired mummy brain has a serious chance of success, she has inspired the assignment due brain, and I WILL get this assignment done – for her, for my other children but most of all for our FUTURE.  I will continue, and I will succeed!

Kids have an uncanny way of knowing what we need to hear and when – we NEED to listen to them, children can be the greatest medicine and inspiration we will ever know.  Our children are our future, our hope – if we neglect them, and don’t find time for them to just be with them and make them feel special, needed and wanted, what hope is there for the future…?

Can you imagine the future without the love of a child, without the trust of a child, without a child’s smile and their simple words that touch our hearts so powerfully – that’s not a future I want, so I will make time for them (any child that’s in my life) and make sure our future is full of hope!

But for tonight, I think that I will indulge the tired mummy brain, go to bed and wake up tomorrow ready for another day, awaiting the blessings that are our children 🙂

Peace and blessings to everyone x

Crochet a little happiness (3): Rainbow poncho

wearing the rainbow
Wearing the rainbow

Elise proudly wearing the rainbow poncho I finished today. This is the only smile she has given today as she is not feeling well; she has a nasty cough that sounds like it could be an asthmatic cough, she sounds exactly like her brother Martyn did when he was her age.

Anyway, Elise and I took a trip to our local craft shop on Tuesday and she loved the chance to look at all the wool. She was so excited to be able to choose the colours (although we did have a disagreement about whether pink was in the rainbow or not).
Normally when we go into shops I ask her what the rules are, and she’ll reply “don’t touch and don’t run off” well on this trip she was allowed to touch, after all she had to know how soft it would be as she would be wearing the finished product – she was so excited!
I’m not too happy with the shade of orange, it seems a bit too yellow, and the yellow isn’t particularly bright, but on reflection I think it looks ok – and she’s happy so that’s all that matters. I have loads of the wool left, so the next task is a big rainbow blanket. I don’t know whether I am going to do a big ‘granny square’ or if I’ll do it as a circle, I guess I won’t know that until she tells me what she wants.
Unfortunately I am running out of time to crochet things nows, the next module of my law degree starts on the 4th February, so will soon have my head back in the books. It will be good to study again, but I’m going to miss the creativeness and happiness-giving crochet time.
I have been keeping a note of some Twitter trends that I particularly like and when I have some more time to concentrate, without having ‘tired-mummy-brain’ I will update my blog with them. I will also get on with the book reviews (when I can remember what the books were about) and I’m feeling fresher and more able to concentrate. I haven’t forgotten.
Anyway, I am going to wish everyone a good night and try to get some sleep before the coughing wakes Elise up again – it’s been a rough few days/nights! We have a follow-up appointment with our family doctor a week tomorrow so hopefully we shall get some answers and a plan for managing her coughing.