Cross Stitch (Outlander 1) Diana Gabaldon 5*

I discovered this book some years back, totally by accident and fell in love with the attention to detail and imagery that Diana created.  I was so pleased to find out that this book was the first in a series, and eagerly collected and read each one.

Before, I was lucky and didn’t have to wait (apart from delivery) for the next book – now I am faced with waiting until sometime later this year for the next book (book 8) to be finished and published.  I can hardly wait!

Jamie and Claire (the main characters) are wonderfully developed and within minutes of their introductions, there is a feeling of ‘knowing’ them personally.  Diana writes with such clarity than the emotions of the characters come to life on the page, and through her words their emotions echo within my mind.

It’s a story of love, challenge, hardship and despair.  A tale of time-travel, which doesn’t seem too far-fetched, and of historical interests.

Set in post-world-war-II Scotland, Claire, finds herself transported 200 years back in time, by ‘falling’ through the stones of a henge.  She meets the 6x great-grandfather of her husband and finds out the truth behind the name he earned of ‘Black Jack’, and desperate to find protection from him, she agrees to marry a Scottish Highlander (Jamie).

What fills the pages of the book next is a dramatic (yet believable) account of their time together, the mental battles that Jamie faces in providing for and protecting Claire; the grief that is felt when Jamie finds out the truth about Claire and takes her back to the stones so she can return to her life and time.