QI: The Second Book of General Ignorance – John Lloyd etc – 4*

Well I treated myself to this when it was on the kindle deals, and wasn’t disappointed in it.

At times it feels a bit random, but then I guess there’s no logical way of writing about facts that people thought they knew but actually didn’t.  For a book of facts it is written in a way that makes the facts accessible to everyone, and by not staying on a particular topic for too long you don’t end up with glazed-over eyes wondering when it will be over.

One thing is for sure with this book – be prepared to learn things you ‘knew’.

Questions looked at include:

How many legs does an octopus have? (and NO it isn’t 8)

Who made the first aeroplane flight?

QI: The Pocket Book of General Ignorance – John Lloyd et al – 4*

This was a great read (not a favourite read though).  I found it funny, informative and quite often shocking (not in a bad way – just questioning what I thought I knew)

There are a wide range of subjects, all of which appear to be well thought out and presented.

Maybe a treat for today, as the second book is available for 99p – hope it’s as good as the first
