30 Things About Me:


This was a Twitter trend and I decided to write this up on a page instead of writing it all in a blog entry

Something I Miss the Most

Just seen this trending on twitter and it got me thinking about things I miss.

I miss lots of things but I guess the thing I miss the most is playing in a brass band.  It’s been 12 years since I last played for a band, although I did play in a small band that was put together to play carols at a small carol service. It was great fun for 2 reasons:

  1. I got to play again, and I realised just how much I had missed playing
  2. My eldest 2 boys were able to join in and play too!

I did, however, forget that “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” was played double-time the second time round and had to stop playing to catch up.

Now that I have a new mouthpiece for my Eb Horn, I guess I really should get round to getting the tubing re-soldered instead of having to keep holding it tightly in place.

What things do you miss?